Older person talking with family member while looking at old photos

Navigating vision loss can be challenging, and discussing it with family and friends is an essential step toward building understanding and support in your journey. Opening up can feel vulnerable but remember that sharing can often strengthen our connections and make it easier for others to respond with understanding and compassion. You don’t have to give every detail right away. Just start with what feels comfortable.

Find a comfortable quiet place to talk without interruptions. This may be in person or on the phone. Explain the condition in simple terms. If you feel unsure, just share at your own pace.

These conversation starters may be useful for you:

  • I’ve been navigating changes in my vision, and I want to fill you in.
  • I want to let you know something about my vision.
  • I’m still learning about it myself.
  • It might be an adjustment for me, and I’d love your support.
  • This impacts my daily life in this way.
  • You may notice these changes.
  • Could you help me with.

You can keep the conversation simple and set the tone for a supportive conversation.

How can my family or friends help me?

  • Emotional support. Being there to listen and show compassion.
  • Help with daily tasks. This may be assistance with reading, cooking or driving.
  • Accompany you to appointments.
  • Learn together. Seek information and skills to empower you and your future.


Sharing your journey with those close to you can foster the understanding and support you need to adapt and thrive.

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