Mental wellbeing support specifically designed to meet the unique needs of Australian’s with low vision.
SeeWay’s mental wellbeing program is tailored for individuals with permanent changes in vision, their families and carers. Expert psychologists and mental health social workers, specially trained in understanding low vision, come together to help navigate the emotional and practical challenges of vision loss.
You are not alone. Adjusting to low vision can present unique challenges. Feelings of frustration, isolation, or uncertainty are all normal. With the right support, these emotions can be understood, managed and transformed into opportunities for growth and connection.
SeeWay provides a compassionate space to address your emotions, build resilience, and find a renewed sense of direction. With guidance from our specially trained low vision psychology partners at onPsych, you’ll gain the tools to embrace change, stay connected, and confidently adapt to life with low vision.
Professional one-on-one guidance: A supportive and confidential space with experienced psychologists and mental health social workers, specifically trained in the unique needs of people with low vision.
Professional group guidance: A supportive space facilitated by qualified practitioners where people can share stories, receive advice, feel understood and learn from others who share similar experiences.
“I felt like no one could truly understand what I was going through. I tried to just deal with it on my own. I didn’t feel like I could talk about it. But finding people who understood and cared has given me the support I didn’t know I needed”.
Harry, 72.
1. Get support: Call us on 02 9412 9490 or email us at to sign up for mental wellbeing support.
2. Obtain a mental health plan: Discuss your concerns with your GP to obtain a mental health plan. We can provide you with a letter you can take along to your GP visit. Your GP will forward the plan directly via email or fax.
If you do not have a GP or are struggling to find one with the right expertise, let us know and we can help.
3. Meet Your Specialist: Schedule a one-on-one session with a low vision expert psychologist or mental health social worker from our partners at onPsych. The onPsych team will call you directly within 48 hours to schedule an appointment at a suitable date and time. You will receive a SMS reminder 72 hours before your upcoming appointment.
4. Join Our Community: Access group workshops, peer support, and ongoing resources.
5. Grow with Us: Receive guidance and updates as your needs evolve.
Call us on 02 9412 9490
Anyone who has been diagnosed with a vision condition that could lead to permanent vision loss and would like support adjusting to the diagnosis is eligible to access the onPsych service through SeeWay. In addition to this family members or carers can also access the service.
Family members or carers can be seen under their own mental health care plan.
They can be seen under your mental health care plan when:
Yes a family member or carer can help you to fill out the required forms and assist you in obtaining the required mental health plan from your GP.
SeeWay has partnered with OnPsych to provide mental wellbeing support to our clients. onPsych is the only provider who has met SeeWay’s service specifications criteria and has undertaken vision related training to equip their practitioners to support the unique challenges faced by people with low vision, such as adjusting to vision changes, managing anxiety, or dealing with social isolation, specifically for clients of SeeWay. They have a philosophy of providing all Australians access to highly qualified psychologists and high-quality mental health services regardless of when or where it’s needed.
onPsych can provide both individual and group sessions to clients and has a variety of specialists practitioners available.
You can choose how you would like to receive support; it can be face-to-face or via telehealth appointments. If you prefer telehealth appointments this can be done via phone call, FaceTime, WhatsApp, skype, zoom, or teams. If you opt for a telehealth option, we encourage the use of a room where you can close the door or headphones for privacy.
Patient privacy and confidentiality privileges apply between you and your treating practitioner. onPsych and all treating practitioners are bound by the Code of Ethics and scope of practice from Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra), Australian Psychological Society (APS) and Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) and are unable to provide any third party with personal information of the individual. SeeWay will therefore not receive any identifiable data or information from onPsych.
A mental health treatment plan (formally called a mental health care plan) is a support plan for someone who requires emotional support either for a temporary situation or more permanent mental health support. If a doctor agrees that you need additional support, you and the doctor will make the plan together.
A mental health treatment plan often includes:
Normally, if you have a mental health treatment plan, the Government will pay some or all the cost for up to 10 sessions with a mental health expert in a single calendar year through Medicare. However, for onPsych support there will be NO out-of-pocket costs, and all support will be fully subsidised
Here is some useful tips on how to discuss your needs with your GP.
Let your GP know you have been diagnosed with a vision condition which could lead to permanent vision loss. Explain you would like support with adjusting your lifestyle given the diagnosis and would like to plan for the future. You could let your GP know if you are feeling worried, anxious or scared about the future and they will be able to share some of the information you provide in your referral. We will also provide you with a GP letter which you can give to your GP.
Your usual GP is the best person to provide your referral to gain a Mental Health Plan, your GP will be able to provide key and helpful historical information and will also be able to co-ordinate any other care requirements for you and act as an impartial party if required.
If you don’t feel comfortable discussing potential wellness options with your GP please let us know and we can discuss other options with you. Call SeeWay on 02 9412 9490 or email or you can visit Health Direct to find a GP near you.
Sessions offered will primarily be on an individual basis. Group-based sessions can be co-ordinated by your psychologists or mental health social worker if you or your practitioner feel that you could benefit from group-based sessions. Your practitioner will help you to find the best format and group for you.
This can vary from person to person and will be based on your individual need. Typically, you can expect sessions to run anywhere from 20mins to 50mins. Your onPsych psychologist or mental health social worker will work with you to decide what is best for you.
It is usual for your GP to refer you for 6 sessions initially, with an option to extend to 10 sessions if required. You are not obligated to use all sessions you are referred for, this will be based on your individual need. Under Medicare you are eligible for up to 10 individual and 10 group sessions per year.
You will be contacted within 48 hours after a referral has been made.
You will receive a text message reminder from your practitioner 48 hours prior to your appointment.
If you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment or need to reschedule it, please reach out directly to your treating practitioner to notify them and/or to reschedule your appointment.
Careful consideration is given to make sure that you are matched with the best psychologist or mental health social worker dependant on your requirements, preferences and needs. These will be discussed with you prior to your first appointment.
There will be NO out-of-pocket expenses for this service. The main funding will be through Medicare by accessing a mental health treatment plan from your GP. There are many GP’s who may bulk bill for appointments. You can find one near you here.
If this is not an option for you, please contact us on 02 9412 9490 or email and we can discuss the subsidised options available to fund the support you need.
If your GP gives you a referral for 6 sessions this can be extended if you would like or require more support. It is usual for a GP to start with 6 sessions and then extend if necessary. Your onPsych psychologist or mental health social worker will assist and support you by sending a recommendation to your GP.
Any complaints about the support you have been provided will be taken seriously. Complaints will be handled according to the Ahpra regulations. The formal complaint process includes:
Step 1
Speaking to your psychologist or your GP about your concerns. You can also contact onPsych management directly via 1300 659 350 who will be able to assist you with the process.
Step 2
If you feel that you can’t approach the psychologist directly, or if you’re not satisfied with the psychologist’s response:
In Australia (except NSW)
Contact your local State or Territory health complaints commissioner, who is an independent and accessible ombudsman. The commissioners emphasise conciliation in resolving complaints between patients and providers.
Alternatively, make a notification to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra). Ahpra is responsible for the regulation and accreditation of psychologists in Australia. For instructions on how to make a notification, visit the Psychology Board of Australia website. For assistance, call Ahpra on 1300 419 495 and ask to speak to a Notifications Officer.
Step 3
If you believe you have been treated unfairly by AHPRA or the NSW HCCC:
Contact the National Health Practitioner Ombudsman.
You can also contact SeeWay directly on or call 02 9412 9490 who will be able to assist with the process.